Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Arzens en Fête

Arzens has just finished its Fête Locale. On Wednesday there was a tour de table des campagnes. The Comité des Fêtes came round the village, knocking on doors, giving the villagers a pot plant and encouraging them to participate in the fun.

The main street has been slightly chaotic for about a week as the fair has been set up - dodgems, rifle shooting (where was Duncan when we needed him), one armed bandits, test-your-strength and other stalls.

On Friday the Orchestra Calysta assembled all their equipment, lights, speakers and sound systems ready for the opening of the Fête. L’Arzenais had organised food for every night of the fête. Tonight it was seiche a la plancha. We decided to pass on that.

Saturday morning began with the dismantling of all the group’s equipment. In the afternoon there were pétanque competitions for doublettes. There were clusters of people all around the village on any dusty area that they could find to play on. The prizes were given out just before the meal, which tonight was Couscous. The music for the evening was provided by Motel, who earlier had assembled their equipment, lights, speakers and sound systems.

Sunday morning began with the dismantling of the group’s equipment. The evening consisted of the obligatory apéros which were provided by the Marie, whilst listening to the Jean Ribull Orchestra, (who earlier had assembled their equipment, lights, speakers and sound equipment). This group was very good, singing a wide range of music though it was rather difficult to talk as the music was rather loud.

Monday was the last day of the Fête, which began with the dismantling of last night’s group’s equipment. There was another pétanque competition in the afternoon. This one was for mixed triplets. Prizes again were given out before the repas which was Friginat. As we had never had this meal, we decided to go. It was a super evening. The entrée was gesiers salade followed by the Friginat. This local specialty is a pork casserole with haricot beans. Cheese and pastry followed all washed down with copious amounts of red wine. The evening was lovely. There was plenty of lively chatting. There was also an accordionist and as the wine flowed the singing got louder. . Some people even got up and danced.

When the meal was over, everyone made their way to the main street to join in the activities or listen to Orchestra Calysta who had assembled all their equipment, lights, speakers and sound equipment during the day.

As we went to get our bread the fair was being dismantled and the village is getting back to normal.

It is amazing how a small village like Arzens can put on such a magnificent event! Congratulation to the Comité des Fêtes.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Something to Amuse

I would like to thank Colin for posting this in the Anglophone-Direct forum. It made me smile.

A teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in Possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule, and a calculator. At a morning press conference, the Attorney General said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement. He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.
'Al-gebra is a problem for us,' the Attorney General said. 'They desire solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names like 'x' and 'y' and refer to themselves as 'unknowns,' but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, 'There are 3 sides to every triangle.'
' When asked to comment on the arrest, George Bush said, 'If God had wanted us to have better Weapons of Math Instruction, he would have given us more fingers and toes.' Democratic leaders told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent or profound statement by him.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

A New Acquisition for Arzens

I think that Arzens is moving into the 21st century. Today the Marie has installed an illuminated panel that will tell the villagers and visitors what is happening in the community. Until now, the information has been posted on notice boards around the village and quite often is weeks out of date. I hope that le panneau is updated regularly and they don’t have any technical problems