After coming home from shopping, I put the computer on checking for e-mails, checked the next Scrabulous challenge that my daughter, Sally, might have set me and checked the latest forum updates. There it was on the Anglophone-direct forum. Someone had written that there had been an update on the latest health issues for Ex-pats. As "early-retired inactives", we knew that our health cover would run out this month, so since the news was announced last year that our health cover would cease, we have been looking for a good assurance policy. We finally made our decision and received our acceptance from the company last week. Fortunately we were given a 14 day cooling off period which runs out tomorrow, so we quickly sent the appropriate paper work, cancelling the policy.
I guess we will have to wait at least another couple of weeks for the message about the new rules to get to our local CPAM. It is then going to be a matter of filling in CMU application forms and getting our Cartes Vitale re-issued. Remembering how long it took to get them first time round I am not going to be holding my breath. After that, we will have to re-start our Complementary Insurance. In the meantime, I assume, we will just have to pay for any medical treatment and keep all our receipts.
Our route home from the post office took us past the local bergerie. The herd somehow had got out and were blocking the road. They decided that they would return home, slowly, in front of our car. Thirty minutes later, they arrived at their field. It was amazing that we didn't see any cars during this time. As it was at 12:30, I suspect most of the usual people using the road were probably sitting down for lunch.

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