Thursday was the second of three holidays in May. This one was to commemorate VE Day. After a mass in the church, there was a procession from the Mairie to the war memorial on La Promenade. Leading the parade were the Majorettes de Montréal. Behind them came the flag-bearing dignitaries and councilors. Bringing up the rear were some children from the village school and representatives from various associations.

After the laying of the gerbe and roses, there was a fanfare followed by the National anthem. The Maire, M. Jean-Claude Pistre, then read a message from the Ministre des anciens combattants, Jean-Marie Bocquel. He finished by thanking everyone for attending and invited all to apéros (bien sûr) after watching a display by the Majorettes.

There must have been over 300 people at the ceremony. It was amazing how many people of all ages turned out for the occasion.
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